Photographed in the world s largest and most powerful motion picture format , film audiences will experience up close the immense distances , the countless challenges and the profound mysteries of great animal migrations . join the sweeping spectacle of hundreds of migrating zebras in the vast , wildlife - filled plains of east africa . witness the mysterious migration of more than a 100 million red crabs on tiny christmas island near australia in the indian ocean 斑马群在东非洲辽大原野上奔驰逾亿红蟹在印度洋澳洲附近的圣诞岛进行神秘迁徙身形巨大的灰鲸在墨西哥巴哈半岛外游弋数以千万计金光灿烂的王斑蝶在墨西哥上空漫天飞舞候鸟在太阳和星体导航下翱翔天际,这些不可思议的旅程,将一一尽现眼前。